In order to help me create a successful session for you, please carefully read through the following information and try to follow it the best you can:
Studio address:
Jemma Slater Photography, Shell Store, Canary Drive, Skylon Park, Hereford. HR2 6SR
Please report to the lovely guys at reception and tell them you’re there for a shoot with me. They’ll show you to my studio.
You’ll enter the car park as you approach the shell store. Parking is free of charge.
Before you leave the house:
- About 45 mins to an hour (no longer) before you leave your house, please try to keep baby awake and alert as best you can via stimulation & playtime (baths work great). Let your baby fall asleep in the car on the way to the studio. Should baby still be awake when you arrive then I will get you to give him/her a top-up feed.
- Ensure baby has a VERY full belly for the session. It is advised to feed baby about 20 – 30 mins before you leave the house.
- If possible please bring extra bottles of formula and/or pumped breast milk to help fill up baby faster and get them into a sound sleep.
- If breast feeding, please try to avoid eating the following foods 24 hours prior to the session as it may upset baby’s tummy: Spicy or gassy food (such as broccoli, beans etc), heavy dairy, caffeine & chocolate.
- If your baby has a tendency to be gassy then please bring Infacol drops with you.
- Dress baby in ONLY a button or zip up sleeper (no onesies underneath please). This is to avoid any clothing having to go over the babies head and potentially disturbing them.
- I kindly ask that when you come in to sit back and relax in the comfortable seating area and allow me to work with your newborn safely without standing over me.
What to bring:
- Extra bottles, wipes, muslins, a blanket, Gripe/Infacol drops (if your baby is gassy) and a dummy (very important see below)
- If you are using or considering using a dummy, please bring it along. It can be a huge lifesaver when the baby continuously wants to feed/suckle for comfort. Sometimes it really is the difference between getting that shot or not! A dummy can help to avoid contact with mummy while we are in the “rhythm” of a session. Baby can smell mum and hear her voice and this triggers their instinct to feed. It can be quite a distraction for a little newborn. Using a bottle or a dummy for a couple of minutes can help to maintain the fluidity of the session and helps the baby settle easier. My goal is to help keep baby happy and calm during your session and is only used if assistance is needed to capture certain poses and won’t create any habit forming behaviours.
- Please also bring your lunch and refreshments so you don’t go hungry. I provide tea, coffee, bottled water and biscuits. There is also a cafe onsite which is super convenient.
The Session:
- Your session starts at the time it is scheduled for so please do your best to be on time. Newborn sessions generally last between 3 – 4 hours so please plan for that. The studio will be VERY warm in order to keep your baby comfortable and sleeping. Please dress in layers so that you don’t get too hot. Bottled water & hot drinks will be provided and there is a cafe where you can buy all sorts of yummy things but please also feel free to bring your own lunch/refreshments.
- I try to emulate a ‘womb’ like environment for your baby to keep them calm and soothed so I will have white noise playing loudly in the studio.
- As my studio doesn’t have a lot of seating room and is kept VERY warm, I kindly ask that you do not bring extra family members/friends with you to the session who are not involved with the shoot.
- Accidents happen and your baby may wee or poo during the session but you don’t need to worry. Everything is washable, however I ask that you please bring extra wipes just in case. It is also a good idea to bring a change of clothes for yourself incase baby has an accident on you during feeding.
- I have a workflow of poses that I go through during the session. I will try my very best to get every pose and prop possible with your baby, however some babies don’t like to be touched or moved around too much. Should your newborn become unsettled then I will move onto some simpler. A re-shoot will only be offered should your baby not settle at all and we haven’t gotten enough images but this is very rare.
Family photo’s & siblings
- If you would like family photos done with your new baby, please wear a simple top or t-shirt. Siblings should also wear a plain top with no logos/motifs (Girls can wear a dress, keep it as simple as possible). Due to the nature of the session workflow, we will do family shots and sibling towards the middle of the shoot so that we get all of the table poses done first while baby is sound asleep and has a full tummy.
- If you are bringing an older sibling to the session please bear in mind that the are still adjusting to a new baby in the home, most won’t want to pose next to their new sibling for a photo, so please be prepared for that. I won’t force a child to have their photo taken for the safety of your newborn.
I have a variety of props, headbands and hats that fit within my style to use during the session that have been sanitized ready for use. There’s no need to bring any with you.
- Nappies and plenty of wipes
- Milk – bring extra as baby will likely feed more as the studio is kept warm.
- Parent and siblings outfits – simple & coordinating
- Dummy – optional but very helpful
- Baby’s go home outfit
- A baby blanket
- Your lunch – pack a little picnic or use the on site cafe 🙂
Anything to make you comfortable (iPad, books, nursing pillow, slippers). I will provide cold and hot drinks, water and biscuits!
Thank you again for choosing me to document this magical time in your life. I’m truly honoured and view photographing your newborn as real privilege. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me prior to your scheduled newborn session.