Edited and updated on 16/06/21
I am now fully vaccinated against covid 19 having had both jabs, which is good news for you because, as recent studies have now concluded, as well as protecting me, the vaccine I’ve had minimises any chance of me spreading the virus to you.
I’m also pleased to advise you that I will be testing twice a week using lateral flow tests which will undoubtedly give us all peace of mind. I’m committed to keeping us all as safe as humanly possible!
Since I am a newborn photographer, stringent cleaning policies have always been a priority but making sure that I can provide a clean, safe space for you and your families is more important now than ever before. I am putting extra precautions in place on top of the rigorous procedures I already have to sanitise the studio to keep us all safe. I have carried out thorough risk assessments for all scenarios relating to my studio and outdoor sessions, adhering to strict government guidelines.
Please see below for an updated list of precautions and studio policies that will be in place as we move forward
Clients are required to disclose if they are feeling unwell and reschedule their session if their child or anyone coming into the studio has had a fever or any other symptoms such as cough, runny nose or vomiting in the last 24 hours. To reschedule, please contact me as soon as possible. There is no fee to reschedule. If you arrive at the studio with any of the above symptoms the session will not take place and I will ask you to leave, this is due to the vulnerable nature of my maternity, newborn and baby clients that visit my studio on a regular basis. Thank you for your understanding.
- Either the night before or the morning of your session I will send you a message to ask whether you have any covid symptoms. Please let me know if you do so we can reschedule and keep everyone safe – there is no charge for rescheduling
- I will wear a mask in the studio at all times and will be constantly sanitising my hands
- It is recommended that parents wear a mask when they are not having their photos taken
- When you arrive at the studio I will ask you to sanitise your hands, hang up your coats and remove your shoes
- All surfaces are wiped down with disinfectant, including door handles and anything you or I come into contact with
- All floors will be thoroughly mopped and cleaned with bleach
- Tissues will be available in order to follow government and PHE guidance to “CATCH IT. BIN IT. KILL IT.
- The bin is being emptied and changed after every single session
- Thorough washing/sanitising of all blankets and props will take place after each session
- All props/dresses/outfits will be rotated so that they are not in constant use. Please understand that this may mean a certain prop/dress/outfit may not be available for your session
- Toys will unfortunately no longer be available for children to play with during sessions – but please continue to bring your own tablets / toys
- Unfortunately, for now, no items from home that you wish me to include in the photos such as heirlooms or blankets are to be brought to the studio
- I am able to offer you refreshments but these have to be in paper/disposable cups
- Until further notice, I will only schedule one studio portrait session per day
- Only immediate family members will be allowed to attend and I ask, where possible, for you to make alternative arrangements for those not having their portraits taken to minimise exposure
- I have subscribed to email updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19) from the Government via gov.uk, and will reflect any changes in advice in my studio policy immediately
- The morning of your session I will send you a message run through some questions to ensure you are symptom free
- I am happy to wear a mask if required by the client
- I use a long lens for outdoor sessions anyway which mean I will naturally be more than 2 meters away most of the time
- Everyone taking part in the session must stay a minimum of 1 metre away from me during the session
- Hand sanitiser will be available for you to use at the beginning and end of the session if you need it
- I have subscribed to immediate email updates on Coronavirus (COVID-19) from the Government via gov.uk, and will reflect any changes in advice in my studio policy immediately
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your understanding and for helping me keep my studio and outdoor work space a safe environment.
Jemma x